Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Good morning and happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone reading this! 

Did you celebrate this past weekend? Or you doing something today? I've never been one to celebrate for St. Patrick's Day.
I never even do the 'wear green or get pinched' thing. People never pinched me anyway haha.

Maybe I never cared to celebrate it cause it's glorified as a huge drinking celebration? It's like, nobody wants to do anything for St. Patrick's Day except drink. At least, the people I know/hung out with. Either way, it was never really celebrated in my life.  ㆆ_ㆆ

I'll be honest, getting all my queues for St. Patrick's Day on my Hello Kitty Tumblr was a nightmare. Not because I couldn't find anything. I found plenty quite easily. I just don't see the point of celebrating it and making posts for it. >_> Just a personal opinion. Of course I know I could've just ignored it and posted normal stuff, but hey. I wanna include all the holidays and special days being celebrated. Although I miss days like popcorn/pancake day. I don't know when those kind of days are at all. >_< Is there a site that lists all those? That would be amazing haha. 

Even if I don't celebrate the holiday or special day whatever it may be, I like to find pictures to match with it. Cause someone out there in that big ole Earth celebrates it!
I'll be increasing the number of posts per day I put out on my Tumblr blog. Been posting 4 everyday, but I'm increasing it to 6. Not much difference, but I wanted a little more posts going out.

If anyone has suggestions or just wants to say/ask something, my ask box is always open on Tumblr. You can message me on any other social media site I prowl on ◕ ‿ ◕

Thanks for reading guys~ Still trying to be more active and diligent with posting on social media.

Also...I'm always up for following other people that post things I'm interested in. I don't JUST like Hello Kitty. Just saying...

                  ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ )

                      Happy St. Patrick's Day

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