Tuesday, September 1, 2015

☆Back from MIA☆

Hello everyone! I'm sorry I haven't posted anything for awhile. The last few months have been busy~ Before posting normal posts, I would just like to update everyone!
I recently moved back to my hometown with my boyfriend. July was filled with packing, driving for two days, and settling into our new place. We didn't have WiFi for about a week before moving and for about two weeks after settling in. All I had was my phone's data plan and apps. I don't have the Blogger app because I think it's bad and too much of a hassle.

August was event filled with one event I'm keeping secret. The other I'll be sharing! I recently got a new friend of the fishy kind! Meet Quincy the Betta fish. 

He's my new friend and I've had him for about 2-3 weeks now. It's my first time having a fish for a pet and I've always wanted a Betta. He was $5 at the pet store and we recently got a fish tank from my aunt so I bought him. If you'd like more info about Quincy, you can check out my main blog where I'll be posting updates about him!

Now I would like to update you all about this blog! I don't post often when I'm posting regularly. I made a post about it awhile back and you can check that if you'd like! I still won't be posting very often. Mostly due to lack of content at the moment. However, I'm working on some future posts and content so hopefully I can post more often than I am now. 
For now, the only posts you'll be seeing will be every two weeks. The content will be of my Hello Kitty collection and Hello Kitty household items. As I said, I'm working on some new categories of posts so look forward to those!

That's all I intended with this update post. If you have any comments or questions, feel free to add a comment or message me! Thanks for reading!



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